Top 10 In Demand Professions In The USA With Salary

Top 10 in demand profession in the USA. Decide from these salaries if you want to work in america or not.

Given the current exchange rate of the dollar, the thought of working in America is becoming more attractive. In this article I will tell about vacancies in the United States and the average salary that you can get. Compare with the your country and choose whether or not to move to America.

Top 10 in demand professions in the USA

  1. The maids ($1,300/month; meals at own expense).
  2. The staff computers ($1300/month; accommodation and food at own expense).
  3. Chefs and their assistants (1400-1500$/month; accommodation and food at own expense).
  4. Baby-sitters (from$1000/month; payment depends on education, number of children and duties; the accommodation and food at own expense).
  5. Housekeeper to care for the elderly (from$1,300/month; payment depends on the number of hours of work and complexity; accommodation and food is free).
  6. Workers at factories and plants (from$1500/month; wages may rise every month; there is an hourly payment; housing and meals at own expense).
  7. Working on a construction site (from$1500/month; the salary depends on qualifications and number of working hours; accommodation and food at own expense).
  8. Workers of fast food ($1000/month; without education; housing and meals at own expense).
  9. The waiters (from$1000/month; without education; housing and meals at own expense).
  10. Sellers ($1000/month; without education; housing and meals at own expense).

These jobs in USA for Russian pare opular because they either do not require special skills or developed in the home country. For America, these salaries are very low. The post are students or those who temporarily cannot find work in the specialty. There are always plenty of seats available.

Paid and poorly paid profession

For many graduates, there is always a chance to fight for large jobs in America. For 2015, becoming leaders in the following areas:

  1. anesthesiologist (192.000$/year)
  2. surgeon (181.000$/year)
  3. obstetrician-gynecologist (183.000/year)
  4. prosthetist (169.000$/year)
  5. therapist (166.000$/year)
  6. family doctor (153.000$/year)
  7. psychiatrist (148.000$/year)
  8. dentist (146.000$/year)
  9. pediatrician (136.000$/year)

As you can see, most of all those who work in the medical field. Next comes the psychologists and the Executive Director. After them there are managers, programmers and marketers who make good money.

Now let's see the list of the most underpaid jobs:

  1. the fast food employees (15.000$/year)
  2. dishwasher (17.000$/year)
  3. the waiter (19.000$/year)
  4. nurse (19.000$/year)
  5. the maid (19.000$/year)
  6. laundress (19.000$/year)
  7. Babysitting (19.000$/year)
  8. Chef in a cafe (19.000$/year)

How to go to work in America

1. Participation in programs, Work and Travel, Camp America, Au Pair, etc.

This method is suitable only for University students. Its essence is that all young people who speak English, you can come for the summer to work. There are a few important points. Before you go, you will need to pay the program and different movement. Now it will cost about$ 3000 (including around$ 600-700 for the first time). And in America the student may work on several jobs. Difficult at first, but then get used to it. To work out the money is easy but earning is dependent on the person and his diligence.

2. Work visa, business visa

3. The O-1 visa for the talented people (musicians, artists, scientists, designers, etc.)

4. Internship

5. Student visa (studying in USA)

Of course, not everyone is willing to pay a fortune for their University studies. But there is another great option. You can go for language courses. Find them to set things up on the Internet. The prices are different. You can find cheap. You will be two or three times a week to visit them, and the rest of the time you can work.
Pratibha Mod

Blogger, Teacher, Mother and I love to share the tips, quotes whatever interesting I come Through.

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